Valeria Superti


In 2015 Valeria supported SusTec with the redesign of the course “Corporate Sustainability”. 

Prior to that, she interned at the DG Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in Italy, conducting a research project on Green Management and Green Growth, working in the Climate Risk Management Unit at the Institute for the Environment and Sustainability. 

Valeria holds a Bachelor's and a Master's degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Roma Tre. In addition, she holds a MSc in Green Management, Energy and Corporate Social Responsibility from University Bocconi, Milan, which she completed at the end of 2014. There, she conducted a field project in collaboration with Enel, focussing on the firm’s environmental impact. Her master's thesis focused on two aspects of the Italian Energy system, namely the interruptibility service and the evolution of the legislation regulating imbalance prices. While working on her research, she was interning in a consultancy firm based in Milan, focused on investments in RES (renewable energy sources).

Valeria is also a supporter of Greenbuzz, the network for sustainability professionals in Zurich, and has been a volunteer for the Impact Hub Zurich.

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