Paula Thimet


Paula Thimet joined Prof. Volker Hoffmann’s Group for Sustainability and Technology in September 2019 as a PhD candidate on modelling of energy-systems. She conducted her research in close cooperation with AUDI AG, investigating the storage demand growth for energy storage under different penetrations of intermittent renewables. Basis for her study will be the creation of a market model to estimate the storage demand.

Previously, she worked at DownloadEVA Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH for 1 ½ years as an engineer in the system development of traction batteries for electric vehicles. She worked closely with BMW AG, focusing on the energy and power requirements of future EVs. Her core responsibility was simulating vehicle user profiles, assessing the satisfiability of the requirements within the model boundaries and deriving measures to meet the customers’ expectations for BMW’s next generation of EVs.

Paula holds Msc and Bsc degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Management from the DownloadTechnical University Munich. During her studies, she participated in the DownloadYSEP at the DownloadTokyo Institute of Technology and received the DownloadJASSO Scholarship. During her master’s studies, Paula specialized in the value-estimation and business model creation for digital twin applications. In her research, she analyzed the life cycle of a lithium-ion battery driven product and evaluated the monetary benefit of a real-time monitoring software for the customer. She also supported her supervisor in the DownloadClimate Launchpad competition, leading to the foundation of the start-up DownloadTWAICE.

In her spare time, Paula enjoys riding her motorcycle around the tight curves of the alpine roads.

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

  • Thimet, Paula Johanna.; Mavromatidis, Georgios; (2022): " Review of model-​based electricity system transition scenarios: An analysis for Switzerland, Germany, France, and Italy." Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 159., 2022, 112102. DownloadDOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2022.112102 (Funded through Audi AG)

Online Profiles

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