Thomas Zumbühl


Thomas Zumbühl conducted his master's thesis Prof. Volker Hoffmann’s Chair of Sustainability and Technology at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich 2012-2013. In his thesis he investigates relevant energy efficiency measures for residential buildings regarding their identified saving potential, implementation costs and market barrier costs. His research tries to understand the inhibiting factors for the diffusion of the energy efficiency measures in the diverse and complex building market.
Thomas holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Engineering from ETH Zurich and is now studying towards the Master of Science in Environmental Sciences with a major in Human-Environment Systems and a minor in Sustainable Energy Use.
Besides his studies, Thomas gained practical experience in an internship at Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon ART, research station of the Federal Office of Agriculture in Ettenhausen, and in a work placement as research assistant at the center of Ecological Engineering and Renewable Energy Technologies at Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Wädenswil.

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