Christopher Politano


Christopher Politano joined Prof. Volker Hoffmann’s Chair for Sustainability and Technology at ETH Zürich in February 2017 for his master’s thesis in Sustainable Energy Engineering at KTH in Stockholm, Sweden, specialisation track “Transformation of Energy Systems”. The thesis investigates the capability perception within an electric utility during sectoral change towards sustainability.

Christopher holds a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering from HSRM Hochschule RheinMain. In his bachelor’s thesis, he investigated the feasibility of an emerging energy technology, the River Turbine.  After graduation, Christopher followed up on the development during an internship in the energy programme at GIZ Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit in Kampala, Uganda. In parallel, he was also contracted as an assistant staff for juwi Energieprojekte GmbH assisting in the projecting of wind energy projects. Currently, he is studying Sustainable Energy Engineering in the fourth semester and on exchange at ETH Zürich.

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