Sven Dunkel


Weinbergstrasse 56/58
Room WEV J 419
CH-​8092 Zurich



Sven is a master’s student in the Energy Science and Technology program here at ETH. He is passionate about decarbonization approaches, respective policies, and their impact on the power grid, residential sector, and mobility. In his master’s he has focused on electrochemical energy storage systems, energy economics, and the interconnection of policy and technology. He did his Bachelor’s degree in mechatronic engineering (B.Sc. Mechatronik) at TU Darmstadt in Germany and completed an internship in battery technologies at the ABB Corporate Research Center in Baden. With his thesis, he is excited to build his understanding of the energy and transport sector.

For his thesis, Sven will be evaluating Swiss policy on electric vehicle charging infrastructure. He plans to use an agent-based model to simulate how different charging network companies and other installers decide to deploy charging stations, study how that changes under different policies or incentives, and study the impact on charging demand.

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