SusTec welcomes Lucas Miehé as Senior Researcher

In his research, Lucas focuses on business opportunities and innovation strategies at the firm level during the energy transition.

by Alison Maguire

Lucas studies ecosystem designs and how firms collaborate across traditional industry boundaries. In doing so, Lucas explores the perspectives of different actors (orchestrators, complementors), governance mechanisms, and enabling technologies. He uses positivist and interpretive qualitative research methods. He also currently serves as guest editor for a special issue of Technological Forecasting and Social Change on Download“Digitization and Business Model Innovation in Retailing and Transport: Implications for Economic, Social, and Environmental Sustainability.”

Lucas is about to complete his Ph.D. in Management with a focus on Business Innovation at the DownloadInstitute of Technology Management, University St.Gallen, Switzerland. During his Ph.D. studies, he spent over one year as visiting researcher at the DownloadDepartment of Strategy and Innovation, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) sponsored this research stay with a personal research grant. Lucas holds a MSc in Business Administration and a BA in Social Sciences focusing on Political Science, both from the University of Bern, Switzerland. For his Master’s, he spent one semester at Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas University. Between his Master’s and Ph.D., Lucas worked in the insurance industry and was deployed for military peace support operations in the Balkans (three tours).

Lucas is a Swiss and French dual citizen originally from Basel, Switzerland. In his free time, he enjoys running, hiking, cooking, and other things ending with -ing. Learn more about Lucas through his profiles on DownloadGoogle Scholar, DownloadOrcID, DownloadPublons, DownloadScoups, DownloadResearchGate and DownloadLinkedIn.

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