"From "Scientific Activist" to "Activist Scientist" - Amanda and Johannes organize All-Academy PDW to bring Managers back into Management Research

Together with Katrin Heuchler and Sara Soderstrom (University of Michigan), Amanda Williams and Johannes Meuer will host a Professional Development Workshop at the Academy of Management Meeting 2021 that aims at establishing rigorous methods for engaging closely with managers in management research.  

by Leonie Schoeller

A growing number of management scholars aim to combine their academic research with real-world impact, through taking a stance on pressing societal issues and combining activism with scientific rigor (e.g., Tihanyi, 2020; Alvesson et al., 2017). Scholars’ focus can vary from prioritizing their “activist” role or their “scientist” role. In this PDW, we explore how research may engage in societal change not only through the traditional instruments of activism (e.g., protests, demonstrations, public education) but also through the traditional instruments of science (e.g., conducting scientific research to advance knowledge).

Panelists include a wide range of experts from both practice and academia, including DownloadJonas Haertle (Chief Office of the Executive Director United Nations Institute for Training and Research), DownloadPaul Adler (University of Southern California), DownloadGail Whiteman (Executive Director Arctic Basecamp, University of Exeter Bus. School), and DownloadAndrew van de Ven (University of Minnesota).

Registration details will follow. If you’re interest in the PDW or our research in this field, please do not hesitate to contact Amanda or Johannes.

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