SusTec welcomes Georgios Mavromatidis

Georgios Mavromatidis joins the Group for Sustainability and Technology (SusTec) in May 2019 as a Senior Researcher.

by Franz Radke

Georgios’ research has focused on techno-economic modelling for the optimal design of urban energy systems and on the development of strategies to increase the energy efficiency of buildings.

Prior to joining SusTec, Georgios worked as a postdoctoral researcher at ETH’s Chair of Building Physics and at the DownloadLaboratory for Urban Energy Systems at Empa Dübendorf performing research on decentralized renewable energy systems in the context of the DownloadSCCER FEEB&D project. Georgios completed his PhD at the Chair of Building Physics with a dissertation titled “Model-based design of distributed urban energy systems under uncertainty”.

He also holds an DownloadMSc in Sustainable Energy Futures from DownloadImperial College London and a DownloadDiploma in Mechanical Engineering from DownloadAristotle University of Thessaloniki.

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