Ratri Sryantoro Wakeling


Ratri conducted her master thesis at Prof. Volker Hoffmann’s Chair of Sustainability and Technology at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, for the requirements of a Masters in Energy Science and Technology in 2012. In her thesis, she is focusing her research on techno-economic analysis of rural electrification through village grids using solar PV and micro-hydro technologies in Indonesia.
For her semester project on the economics of and business models for energy efficient street lighting, which she also conducted with SusTec, she received a student award by the Swiss Association for Energy Economics (SAEE).
Prior to ETH Zurich, Ratri completed a Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering (Honours) and Master of Commerce at the University of Sydney, Australia. She has worked for Rolls Royce - Singapore Aero Engine Services Ltd (Singapore), Tenix Infrastructure Group (Australia), and DKE Aerospace (Switzerland).

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