Innovation Systems

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Image source: Fotolia.

Innovation is about the development and diffusion of novelties, including new technologies. Innovation processes involve different kinds of actors (firms, research institutes, policy makers, associations), institutions (e.g., societal norms, technology standards, policies), and technologies (e.g., complementary technologies, infrastructures). The technological innovation systems (TIS) framework is used to analyze innovation dynamics in a holistic way.

SusTec research on innovation systems typically focuses on novel technologies such as hydrogen, fuel cells, batteries, biogas, or smart grids. The idea is to analyze the performance of a TIS in a specific context and to make suggestions for improvement. However, recent studies have also focused on the decline of innovation systems (e.g., coal, nuclear energy). Most TIS studies at SusTec have at least two objectives: to advance our empirical understanding of a specific technology, and to improve existing concepts and frameworks.


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